CONFIRMATION, designed for students in 7th and 8th grade, but older are welcome too. Our focus is on building relationships and learning sessions over the course of two years for students to affirm their baptismal promises in the Lutheran faith. Wednesday nights.
FRIEND FAITH NIGHT is a weekly time for the older youth to gather and connect; reflect on the triumphs and challenges of their week, and grow their faith. A safe space for youth to be their authentic selves and build intentional relationships.
There will be games, snacks, and a time for deepening their relationship with God on Wednesday nights during Family Faith Night!
Fun fellowship events quarterly; like bowling, hiking, paddle boarding, coffee, community service, Top Golf, mini golf, Go-Karts, etc.
We the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church, acknowledge and honor the Cheyenne, the Apache, the Ute and the Ocethi Sakowin peoples, upon whose ancestral homelands we gather. We give thanks for their presence here since time immemorial and their nurture and care for this land. We also wish to recognize and honor all our Indigenous siblings who have and continue to care for this land and call it their home.